Today is the feast of the martyrdom of St. Andrew the Apostle, one of the original Twelve. Here is a brief outline of only some of the things about this glorious saint:
- He was a disciple of St. John the Baptist.
- He was the first called by Jesus.
- He is the brother of St. Peter.
- He recognized Jesus as the messiah the first time he saw Him.
- It was he who brought the boy with the loaves and fishes to Jesus before the feeding of the five thousand.
- founded the see of what would be Constantinople.
- He ordained Stachys, the first Bishop of Byzantium who was one of the 70 disciples of the Lord.
- He was martyred on an x-shaped cross known as a saltire. Like his brother, St. Peter, St. Andrew felt himself unworthy to be crucified on the upright cross of Christ.
- He hung for three days on the cross, fixed not by nails but by rope round his hands and feet; he preached until the end!
- He is the patron of the Ukraine, Russia, Sicily, Greece, Romania, Scotland, Philippines, Amalfi, Malta, Plymouth, England and former Prussia
- St. Andrew's cross is the flag of Scotland
- His name in Greek mean manly.
St. Andrew's last words on the cross, a prayer:
Lord, eternal King of glory, receive me hanging from the wood of this sweet cross. Thou who art my God, whom I have seen, do not permit them to loosen me from the cross. Do this for me, O Lord, for I know the virtue of Thy Holy Cross.

Prayer by St. John Chrysostom:
Lord, You raised up Saint Andrew, Your Apostle, to preach and rule in Your
Church. Grant that we may always experience the benefit of his intercession with You. Amen.

thank you so much; i've been looking for any of his writings or words for so long; he's my patron saint. God bless you.
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