Margaret was born blind, lame, deformed, hunchbacked, and dwarfed to a noble family. At 6 six years old, her parents walled her up beside a chapel; she could not get out, but could attend Mass and receive the Sacraments. After 14 imprisoned, her parents took her to a famous Franciscan shrine to pray for a cure. When none occurred, they abandoned her. She became a Lay Dominican, and spent her life in prayer and charity. Despite her earthly miseries, she always appeared smiling and happy. When she died, at 33, the townspeople thronged her funeral, and demanded she be buried in a tomb inside the Dominican church. When a crippled girl was miraculously cured at the funeral, the protesting priest consented. After her death, the fathers received permission to have her heart opened. In it were three pearls, having holy figures carved upon them. They recalled the saying so often on the lips of Margaret: “If you only knew what I have in my heart!”
Canonization Prayer
Jesus Mary Joseph, glorify your servant Bl. Margaret, by granting the favor we so ardently desire. This we ask in humble submission to God’s will, for His honor and glory and the salvation of souls.
Say one Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be.
(from the Dominican Nuns, Summit, NJ)