St. St. Dominic dedicated himself to promoting "pax et fides", "peace and faith", because without peace, the faith cannot flourish, and he described himself as pursuing this goal by "singing and gentleness, preaching, imploring and weeping" (cf. M.-H. Vicaire, O.P., St. Dominic and His Times, pp. 62 and nt. 7, 146, 147 and nt. 80)."
from Fr. Bartholomew de la Torre, O.P.
Beautiful website. I look forward to visiting often.
One question: why does one of the sidebar titles on the right read "friars and brothers"? Cooperator brothers are friars equally with the priests, so the sidebar title should read "friars" or "priests and brothers".
Brother Paul, OP
There are two great saints at the top of my long list of favourite saints:
St. Dominic the founder of the Order of Preachers and
St. Dominic Savio :)
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